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Eliminate Abuse

indigenous clerics against abuse network

La Sirena Imakhu is an ordained minister, a Khametic High Priestess, and a domestic violence/abuse survivor.


Having witnessed and experienced it in her home as a youth, and having been victimized in relationships over the years, Mai Imakhu has come to know from a personal level what works and what is broken in anti-abuse advocacy agencies. She has committed herself to speaking out, educating, and correcting the social systems that perpetuate victimization.


"I've experienced bullying from so-called advocates who are clueless in how to properly counsel abuse victims. I've met people who have founded domestic violence organizations in order to gain status and financial benefit. My abuser tracked and stalked me as I was hiding from him in a domestic violence shelter. Also, it's popular now for abusers to learn how to play the system well enough to portray themselves as victims, accuse their victims of abuse, and even get counseling and financial  support from domestic violence organizations. The system is supposed to protect abuse victims. Instead, it often re-victimizes the victim."   


During the recent and ongoing Coronaviris/COVID-19 pandemic, many victims found themselves sheltered-in with their abusers. Feeling trapped because of economic dependence, and fearful of external exposure to the virus, victims tolerated accelerated incidents of domestic violence. Victimizers were well aware that the virus situation worked in their favor. Even therapy, shifted to video conferencing, was no longer as effective because the abuser was often within earshot, hampering frank conversation with the counselor.


Imakhu has founded the INDIGENOUS CLERICS AGAINST ABUSE NETWORK (I-CAAN), a diverse faith leaders collective providing public education through multimedia, lectures, and community activism. I-CAAN also points victims who need advocacy, support, and protection to valid resources, and victimizers to places where they can receive valid education for personal transformation. Abuse exists is religious organizations, home, work environments, social service agencies. Abuse can occur sexually, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Knowing how do identify abuse and abusers, and learning how to properly react toward violators and their victims can help save lives. Choosing to remain silent only helps the perpetrator. Despite the misinformation that exists, NO ONE wants to stay in an abusive situation where they feel trapped, hopeless, unbelieved, and unsupported.


Ari ma'at means Do what is right.  Choose to do the right thing. Become aware, eliminate victim suffering.


If you need help or want more info, call 646-228-1185.


If you are being victimized, know that help is available. You are not alone. If you are in immediate danger, call 911 if in the United States. Call your local law enforcement authorities if you are outside of the U.S. Get to a safe haven.


If you are an abuser, do know that while the system has many cracks, ultimately, the courts look down upon abusers who also abuse the law and social service agencies. Own and break your cycle of abuse today. There is appropriate help for you too.






Queen Mother Imakhu _dv-purple-pink 2021

The Purple Ribbon is the symbol for domestic violence and epilepsy (Queen Mother Imakhu has epilepsy). Purple is the empowerment color. Eliminate abuse (including in the Disabled Community). If you are living with or are sheltered in with your abuser, watch the video below.

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Selene Bartolo, author of LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE, is an outstanding life coach, endorsed by La Sirena Imakhu.

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