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Children of Khenemu

© 2023 Queen Mother Imakhu (Elaine Artís Lloyd)

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"Fashioner of mankind, creator of the gods, The Father who was in the beginning..." - Hymn to Khenemu

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Khenemu is the original creator NTR (god) who creates life from the potter's wheel. Heqet (kneeling right) holds the key to life (ankh). Administering the ankh breathes life into each soul. (Khenemu statue on left available on Amazon.) 

17 - Au m Sha Anti _ I Am In the Pool of Wellness_Queen Mother Imakhu.mp3Queen Mother Imakhu
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Who is Khenemu?


Khenemu (Khnum) is the original creator god who formed life from his potter's wheel. Creator of Souls. Guardian and Opener of the Floodgates. The Great Uniter. Keeper of the White Robes. Father of the House of Joy.


Khenemu is easily likened to Obatala/Oxala, King of the White Robes, creator in the African orisha traditions. Obatala is known for creating humans, but got drunk on palm wine during the process. According to the story, Obatala began making malformed humans. When he sobered up, he found legions of differently-abled folks before him. The great God, Olodumare, commanded,  "You made them, you take care of them." 


Obatala is the patron saint and protector of all who are physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged. Anyone who brings harm to his precious children, according to orisha traditions, must face the wrath of Obatala.


There are many similarities between Obatala and Khenemu. There is one major difference: While Khenemu also occasionally enjoys his palm wine, he is able to hold his liquor. Life is a celebration to him. Khenemu is highly strategic in all that he does. Therefore, his creating the differently-abled is an act of pure intention, done from the space of love. Khenemu is the Divine Architect and Great Uniter. He loves everyone he has created.


"I am your Khenemu, your father!

My arms are around you,

To steady your body,

To safeguard your limbs...

For I am the master who makes...

Fashioner of mankind...

Guide of each man in his hour."

-  Khenemu, Sehel Stela 


Khenemu knows that humans can learn much more about others and themselves through differences. People also reveal what truly lies in their hearts when they face the vulnerable. Challenged people bring out the best or worst in people. While it's true that merciful Khenemu loves all that creates, he also loves, and is a warrior for justice. Khenemu is Lord of Karma. In the Teachings of Amen-Em-Apet, it states that Khenemu, with disgust, turns his back on his own creations if they are cruel, vicious, liars, victimizers, exploiters, selfish, and unrighteous. Those who embody these characteristics are a danger to society. Therefore, Khenemu will do what is necessary to restore Ma'at. He is especially protective of the vulnerable and innocent. Comeuppance may not be immediate, but it does come.


"Do the thing that is right. You will attain a true state of being." - Book of Amen-Em-Apet


"Serve your God, that he may guard you." - Book of Ankhsheshonqi


"Make not a laughing-stock of the blind, nor mock people who have dwarfism, nor obstruct the differently-abled. Do not harass those who are in the hands of God by supporting or singing the praises of their abusers. Do not be angered by or impatient with their challenges. Surely, humans are clay and straw, and God is the builder. God tears down and builds up daily. God makes a thousand humble as He wills. It is God who rewards the underestimated ones with timely power over their oppressors. Blessed are those who reach the West while safely in the hands of God." - Book of Amen-Em-Apet


In Khamet, the concept of Sacred Illness meant that a person living with chronic challenges was gifted by Khenemu. The illness was considered sacred because it was the mark of a healer. Healers need compassion. Like the Biblical Paul, who spoke of the "thorn in his flesh," Sacred Illness brings, humbleness, wisdom, and ultimately, great power to be revered.

In 2006, I contacted nganga Don Miguel Ortiz-Hill (blessings upon his memory and legacy). Don Miguel, Mexican-American registered nurse and author, had been initiated in Zimbabwe by nganga Baba Mandaza Kandemwa. The two immediately recognized each other from prophetic dreams both had had. Don Miguel was responsible for bringing Baba Mandaza to the United States, knowing in his spirit that Black people needed a reunion with our Bantu water traditions. The Bantu, like other African groups, were brought to the Americas through enslavement. Centuries earlier, the Bantu traveled freely to the Nile Valley regions, elevating ancient Khametic culture through their wisdom, knowledge, and practices. As a Khametic theologian, I was intrigued. Suffering from lifelong epilepsy, I wanted to know if there was some spiritual reason for this neurological challenge running in my family. Don Miguel said, "Epilepsy is a Sacred Illness. Since it runs in your family, being a healer is in your DNA. It is your calling." Indeed, I was born with gifted healing hands. The passion for high spirituality, nature, and harmony shaped me.


I was initiated through baptismal rites by Don Miguel in May 2006. Out of all of the initiations I've experienced, that was the most mystical and miraculous. The healing energy in my hands increased three-fold. Every time I do healing work I think of Khenemu's gifted hands at the potter's wheel. In October 2006, I was initiated by Baba Mandaza - a different experience, but necessary for my spiritual expansion. It was an honor to have my initiator ask me to do healing work on him. He'd heard about my gifted hands. Funnily enough, my greatest challenge is remembering to administer healing to myself. I've also discovered that to be the best individual I can be as a person living with challenges, I must humble myself and ask for help when I need it. People expect their healers and spiritual leaders to be flawless. Not so, not fair.


Ngangas are of two worlds. Living in dual realities prepares us for the role of peacemaker/peacekeeper. In his youth, Don Miguel Ortiz-Hill was routinely beat up on his way to school for having a Mexican mother, then beat up after school for having a White American Buddhist father. Don Miguel became a registered nurse, then ironically was later struck with multiple sclerosis. His compassion teachings came from his insights on the deficits in modern medicine. The sick and vulnerable need dignity, proper care, and love. 


Don Miguel Ortiz-Hill transitioned from this life on October 22, 2022. He was my godfather, my teacher, my beloved friend. I'm grateful for how he taught me to make peace with sacred illness in order to begin self-healing. 


I am a Child of Khenemu. Khenemu's hands have made, cradled, and protected me. People can be extremely cruel. The other side of it is finding folks who have true grace, generosity, patience, and love. Attracting protective community and positive resources are blessings. I work harder on honing my own character because it is my duty as a human occupying space on this planet. I'm an activist and motivational speaker, advocating for Disability Rights, educating the public while uplifting my colleagues. I view my challenges as character building "superpowers." 


How do you react when you interact with the challenged and vulnerable? If you are Khenemu's Child, how do you feel about yourself? Do you proactively own and use your superpowers? Do you know that your life experiences give you wisdom beyond the average person? Are you a caregiver? Do you know that you are a holy healer? Do you know that your sacred service and sacrifice will be blessed?


Khenemu is a major patron saint of SHENU Khametic Water Institute. Bring insight and empowerment to your life. Classes and podcasts can be found here. Discover your best self through ancient wisdom.  


Heri (Be at peace)


- "La Sirena" Queen Mother Imakhu

Nganga, Author, and Registered Nurse Don Miguel Ortiz-Hill

                (March 27, 1957 to October 22, 2022)

      Click on images below to purchase his legacy books.

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Order Imakhu's latest book,

IWA MER: The Khametic Way of Water

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