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Motivational/Cultural lectures & keynote addresses

Queen Mother Imakhu's "Khametic Wisdom & Culture" playlist.

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​​Ordained Khametic Liberation Theologian Rev. Queen Mother Imakhu brings an energetic blend of scholarship, cultural education, inspirational storytelling, and practical living skills to her motivational lectures and keynote addresses. 


Queen Mother brings a unique perspective to achieving success today. She cites ancient Khametic literature and culture as the original "Liberation Theology" teachings. Her messages are based on these powerful African lessons. Queen Mother Imakhu is not only an initiated Khametic minister/scholar/yogini.

She has been initiated into various African-based religions, bringing her a broad perspective, yet, finding commonality. She is founder of SHENU Khametic Living Waters spiritual practice. SHENU Harmonious Living Institute is the online school teaching Khametic culture from Queen Mother Imakhu's personal scholarship and experiences. As a cultural reclamationist, Queen Mother Imakhu has effectively re-codified the Khametic religion for modern-day faith practitioners. Her teachings have bridged the cross-corelative Khametic understanding throughout African Traditional Religions, Indigenous beliefs, Christianity, Catholicism, and Christianity. She is also chief facilitator for the Newark Brick City ASCAC (Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations) weekly study group. As a Black scholar, Queen Mother devotes herself to daily study. 


Initiated as a Bantu N'anga (Water Priestess/Healer), Imakhu's mission is to teach and carry peace into challenging situations. Multimedia has been her best teaching tool.


Since 1991, Queen Mother Imakhu has provided public education and motivation programming via print, radio, TV, podcasts, and online videos. As a columnist, she wrote for 1st World News, PAINT Magazine, and Nubian News. She was also the first Black woman to own and operate her own 24/7 Black Consciousness Internet radio station, AKERU NuAfrakan Network. Queen Mother was also founder/director of The Transformation Tag Team - a group of well known motivational speakers heard live on Facebook from 2017-18. She continues broadcasting via her YouTube channel and social media.


As an activist, Queen Mother is a member of Justice & Unity Campaign, Interfaith Action Movement, NAACP, People's Organization for Progress, United Parks As One, and Newark Interfaith Alliance.


Queen Mother Imakhu shares her family stories. Her maternal U.S. lineage traces back to the 1600s through the historic, formerly enslaved Kate Anderson/Hester Anderson Artis family. She talks about the impact of discovering her maternal Latin/Caribe heritage - deliberately hidden, yet persistent through culture. Her paternal lineage (West Indies/Gullah-Geechee/U.S. - 1800s) includes formerly enslaved Congressman George Washington Murray, and singer John Legend. Imakhu tells of a chilling career experience with a descendent of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (Dred Scott Decision). She also relays her memories of growing up seeing cross burnings during 1960s-70s New Jersey.


A domestic violence survivor, Imakhu exemplifies the ability to become self-empowered.


As a keynote speaker, Queen Mother Imakhu addresses topics that inspire personal and community healing. 




~ Now More Than Ever: Teaching Black History to Your Black Children


~ Why Knowing Your Culture & Lineage Matters


~ The Role of the African Storyteller


~ Khametic (Ancient Egyptian) Culture is Black History


~ Khametic Literature is Liberation Theology


~ The Khametic (Ancient Egyptian) Origins of Yoga


~ African Origins of the Queen Mother 


~ The Painful, Necessary Process of Reclaiming African Culture


~ The African/Caribbean Cultural Connection


~ Feed Family First: Healing the Black Family & Community


~ Healing the Consciousness Movement


~ Drums of Compassion: The Drum as a Universal Healer


~ Your Limitless Potential


~ Not Broken: Healing from Break Ups, Let Downs, and Downfalls 


~ Why Character Counts


~ Own Your Throne! Teaching Girls & Women to Reclaim Our Dignity


~ Life After 60: It DOES Get Better


~ Will the Elders Please Stand Up? Why Active Mentorship is Needed for Our Youth


~ Recognizing Abuse Before it Hits You In the Face


~ Building Bridges with a Broken Hammer




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